Goodie Nation


Goodie Nation builds tribes of changemakers and entrepreneurs and engages them in an innovative process to help under-served communities globally. We aim to become a world leader at empowering individuals to solve problems for their own communities.

We define under-served communities as any demographic group (geographic, ethnic, age, etc.) whose indicators lag behind the national average by, at least, 30%.
We focus on basic need inequality gaps in 4 impact sectors: Economic Development, Education, Health, and Safety; and are guided by 4 principles:

1] We Already Have Everything That We Need
2] Start Where The Greatest Needs Exist
3] Innovation Is The Great Equalizer
4] Small Solutions Create Big Change


Use of Funds

Seed money raised will be used for Goodie Innovation, our six-month social impact series designed to invent and launch moonshot technological ideas that help raise basic need averages of under-served communities up to the United States national average by combining contributions from passionate and committed people, subject-matter experts, and skilled professionals. Specifically, it will allow us to strengthen our existing initiatives focused on gentrification economic inclusion, anti-recidivism, and waste reduction, and launch a program on gun death reduction with dedicated programming and additional hands-on guidance to participants.


The additional funds will allow us to double our impact reach to 750,000 people by the year 2020. Over the previous two years, we’ve placed 2,000+ minorities into the innovation economy through the Southeast, identified 200+ root causes problems to challenges around education, economic development, public health and public safety, generated 300+ ideas to solve them, and developed 40+ prototypes.