
Are you ready for your chance at $25,000?

Entrepreneurs, we are looking for you.

The GIVE 12 Project wants to give you a chance at $25,000 to help grow your business. The GIVE 12 Project is coming to a city near you, and will provide you with an opportunity to pitch your idea, startup or existing business.
Starting and/or maintaining a new business can be an expensive and exhausting task. The GIVE 12 Project, powered by the Own The Vision Foundation, wants to help alleviate some of the financial pressure and help you grow a thriving business. In each city the GIVE 12 Project comes to, entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to apply and pitch their business. In each city we will award 12 entrepreneurs $25,000


Four (4) Entrepreneurs with an idea will be awarded $25,000. We recognize that it takes funding to turn an idea in to reality, and the Own The Vision Foundation wants to invest in you.


Four Entrepreneurs in the startup phase will be awarded $25,000. You have invested time, money, energy, and intellectual capital into your startup. Now what? The Own The Vision Foundation wants to help you take your startup to the next step.


Four (4) Entrepreneurs in the existing business phase will be awarded $25,000. It’s time to grow and expand. The Own The Vision Foundation wants to help.

Visit the link for your city to find out details on how to apply for the opportunity to pitch. Encourage you friends and family to participate in the GIVE12 Project, so we can SEED the change we want to SEE.